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Organisation: Birmingham Disability Resource Centre

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Birmingham Disability Resource Centre

Birmingham Disability Resource Centre (DRC) is an organisation run by disabled people, for disabled people. As the only pan-disability charity in Birmingham, we support over 4,000 beneficiaries each year to take control of their own lives and achieve their full potential. With over 30 years of experience, we offer a range of services to disabled people and those with long-term health conditions, including:
• Personal skills development – including personal safety and protection courses, IT classes, counselling, mentoring and stress management.
• Information and advice – including the delivery of a Birmingham city-wide Independent Living Service providing information, advice and advocacy to over 2200 people each year, supporting them to make informed choices and exercise their rights to live independently.
• Health and wellbeing activities – to promote healthy lifestyle choices and to enable people to better manage their health impairment.
• Social, leisure and sporting activities – including weekly coffee mornings, walking groups and arts and crafts classes to help reduce social isolation.
• Employment, training, volunteering and apprenticeships to support people towards economic participation and sustainable employment
• Community development activities
Our warm and friendly staff, many who have disabilities themselves, provide a unique, holistic approach, empowering disabled people in Birmingham to live independent and fulfilling lives.

Pathways Covered

Finance, benefit and debt


Birmingham Disability Resource Centre (DRC) is an organisation run by disabled people, for disabled people. As the only pan-disability charity in Birmingham, we support over 4,000 beneficiaries each year to take control of their own lives and achieve their full potential. With over 30 years of experience, we offer a range of services to disabled people and those with long-term health conditions, including:
• Personal skills development – including personal safety and protection courses, IT classes, counselling, mentoring and stress management.
• Information and advice – including the delivery of a Birmingham city-wide Independent Living Service providing information, advice and advocacy to over 2200 people each year, supporting them to make informed choices and exercise their rights to live independently.
• Health and wellbeing activities – to promote healthy lifestyle choices and to enable people to better manage their health impairment.
• Social, leisure and sporting activities – including weekly coffee mornings, walking groups and arts and crafts classes to help reduce social isolation.
• Employment, training, volunteering and apprenticeships to support people towards economic participation and sustainable employment
• Community development activities
Our warm and friendly staff, many who have disabilities themselves, provide a unique, holistic approach, empowering disabled people in Birmingham to live independent and fulfilling lives.

What we do

Information, Advice and Guidance

We provide a confidential information and advice service, empowering disabled people with timely and accessible information. Our three tiered approach combines telephone and online advice services with information and advice, casework and a variety of training opportunities designed to develop skills, knowledge, confidence and independence.

Our friendly and professional information and advice team are available to offer expert guidance on a variety of topics including:

  • Debt management
  • Welfare entitlements and changes to the Benefits System
  • Accessing Charitable Grants
  • Fuel poverty
  • Access to Statutory Services
  • The latest legislation and policy relating to Disability Rights
  • Transport
  • Accessing leisure activities
  • Holiday funds
  • Housing
  • Personal assistance and specialist equipment

The team work closely with other charitable and statutory organisations across predominantly Birmingham and Solihull and are able to refer and signpost accordingly to ensure client needs are met. The team are also available to offer specialist one-to-one sessions and home visits upon request.
Benefits Guides
We have also produced some handy benefit guides that provide an overview of how to complete key forms including Attendance Allowance, Carers Assessments, Mandatory Reconsideration, PIP, and Direct Payments. They can be found by clicking here

Where we do it

Disability Resource Centre
Information, Health and Wellbeing Centre
Unit 18, Ace Business Park
Mackadown Lane
Kitts Green
B33 0LD.

Opening hours

DRC’s Information, Health & Wellbeing Centre opening hours are:

Monday – Thursday – 8.45am-5.00pm

How to access


Call 03030 402040 and select option 2 to get through to our information, advice and guidance helpline. For further information on our information, advice and advocacy services, please contact Maria Clayton, on 03030 402040 (option1) or email

Education, training and employment


Birmingham Disability Resource Centre (DRC) is an organisation run by disabled people, for disabled people. As the only pan-disability charity in Birmingham, we support over 4,000 beneficiaries each year to take control of their own lives and achieve their full potential. With over 30 years of experience, we offer a range of services to disabled people and those with long-term health conditions, including:
• Personal skills development – including personal safety and protection courses, IT classes, counselling, mentoring and stress management.
• Information and advice – including the delivery of a Birmingham city-wide Independent Living Service providing information, advice and advocacy to over 2200 people each year, supporting them to make informed choices and exercise their rights to live independently.
• Health and wellbeing activities – to promote healthy lifestyle choices and to enable people to better manage their health impairment.
• Social, leisure and sporting activities – including weekly coffee mornings, walking groups and arts and crafts classes to help reduce social isolation.
• Employment, training, volunteering and apprenticeships to support people towards economic participation and sustainable employment
• Community development activities
Our warm and friendly staff, many who have disabilities themselves, provide a unique, holistic approach, empowering disabled people in Birmingham to live independent and fulfilling lives.

What we do

  • Personal and Life Skills Development
  • We deliver a variety of services which equip disabled people with the necessary skills and knowledge that will ensure they are empowered to manage health conditions and live life to its full potential.
  • Digital Inclusion
  • We provide support to disabled people who have little or no IT-literacy to get online and begin to access services and information for themselves. Support is tailored to the needs of the indivual and can be delivered over the telephone or via video link.
  • We also can provide more advanced training to support disabled people to improve their online skills, including mastering social media, creating a CV, giving successful presentations, using Microsoft Office and Google Documents including Online Calendars and sending effective emails.
  • For more information, please contact us on 0303 040 2040 or email us at

We provide a range of Health and Well-being courses and activities which help people to manage their long term health conditions and minimise future deterioration and dependence on health services. Our team provide practical advice and support on topics such as common health conditions, healthy eating, fitness and exercise, understanding treatment and medication, avoiding health risks and planning a healthier lifestyle.

Fit For Life

Our Fit for Life programme has been developed with the goal of tackling health inequalities. Targeted towards disabled people, frail older adults and those with long term health conditions, Fit for Life provides sessions and workshops on a number of topics including:

  • Healthy eating
  • Condition management
  • Managing pain and fatigue
  • Reducing and managing stress
  • Stopping smoking
  • Accessing health and social care services

The course also features exercise taster sessions and weight management clubs as part of its itinerary. The course enables people to live healthier lifestyles by encouraging better physical and emotional health, whilst also tackling high levels of social isolation amongst vulnerable adults. Courses are delivered in Birmingham, Solihull and Wolverhampton.

  • Social and Leisure Activities
  • Our social and leisure activities aim to bring people together in a friendly and encouraging environment. All of our leisure activities are provided by qualified and experienced staff with the assistance of dedicated volunteers. We provide individuals with the chance to develop interests, both new and established, while providing the opportunity to socialise. Our current opportunities are detailed below.
  • Arts and Crafts Group
  • This group provides a supportive learning environment for disabled adults to develop basic arts and crafts’ skills. Participants are encouraged to express creativity and explore their passions through the medium of art.
  • Our Arts & Crafts’ Group meets every Wednesday between 10.00am and 2.00pm at our Information, Health and Wellbeing Centre in Kitts Green.
  • Breakfast Club
  • Our Breakfast Club is run by friendly volunteers and provides an opportunity for disabled people aged 18 and over to socialise, learn more about DRC’s services, and enjoy a cup of tea, biscuits and toast in a warm space!
  • Our Breakfast Club takes place every Monday between 9:30am and 11:30am at our Information, Health and Wellbeing Centre in Kitts Green.

We have a dedicated and inspirational team who specialise in supporting disabled people and those with long term health conditions into employment, training and volunteering opportunities. Many of the team began as clients and volunteers within DRC and have faced similar barriers to those we address with our clients. Our services include:

  • Innovative Opportunities for Life courses, which tackle the barriers faced by disabled people when accessing employment and training opportunities.
  • Accessible Opportunities Hubs and IT training, which actively encourage peer-to-peer support in group based sessions.
  • Coverage across Birmingham and Solihull, and the wider West Midlands.
  • We encourage clients to take part in volunteering and work placement opportunities as part of our service offer and we continue to actively support them during the placement.

Positive Pathways

Positive Pathways forms the core part of many of the funded programmes we are currently running. The courses include modules on: condition management, benefits’ advice, social inclusion, disability awareness, and accessibility issues, alongside one-to-one information, advice and guidance. A variety of bespoke techniques are used, making this a truly holistic, person-centred programme, empowering participants to gain and sustain employment.

For further information on any of the above programmes, contact Tracey on 03030 402040 or by emailing

Where we do it

Disability Resource Centre
Information, Health and Wellbeing Centre
Unit 18, Ace Business Park
Mackadown Lane
Kitts Green
B33 0LD.

Opening hours

DRC’s Information, Health & Wellbeing Centre opening hours are:

Monday – Thursday – 8.45am-5.00pm

How to access

  • Breakfast Club
  • Contact:
  • For further details on our Breakfast Club, please contact Maria on 03030 402040 or email
  • For further details on our arts and crafts group, please contact Robbert Chattin on 03030 402040 or email

Positive Pathways Contact:

For further information on any of the above programmes, contact Tracey on 03030 402040 or by emailing

Attitudes, thinking and behaviour


Birmingham Disability Resource Centre (DRC) is an organisation run by disabled people, for disabled people. As the only pan-disability charity in Birmingham, we support over 4,000 beneficiaries each year to take control of their own lives and achieve their full potential. With over 30 years of experience, we offer a range of services to disabled people and those with long-term health conditions, including:
• Personal skills development – including personal safety and protection courses, IT classes, counselling, mentoring and stress management.
• Information and advice – including the delivery of a Birmingham city-wide Independent Living Service providing information, advice and advocacy to over 2200 people each year, supporting them to make informed choices and exercise their rights to live independently.
• Health and wellbeing activities – to promote healthy lifestyle choices and to enable people to better manage their health impairment.
• Social, leisure and sporting activities – including weekly coffee mornings, walking groups and arts and crafts classes to help reduce social isolation.
• Employment, training, volunteering and apprenticeships to support people towards economic participation and sustainable employment
• Community development activities
Our warm and friendly staff, many who have disabilities themselves, provide a unique, holistic approach, empowering disabled people in Birmingham to live independent and fulfilling lives.

What we do

Information, Advice and Guidance

We provide a confidential information and advice service, empowering disabled people with timely and accessible information. Our three tiered approach combines telephone and online advice services with information and advice, casework and a variety of training opportunities designed to develop skills, knowledge, confidence and independence.

Our friendly and professional information and advice team are available to offer expert guidance on a variety of topics including:

  • Debt management
  • Welfare entitlements and changes to the Benefits System
  • Accessing Charitable Grants
  • Fuel poverty
  • Access to Statutory Services
  • The latest legislation and policy relating to Disability Rights
  • Transport
  • Accessing leisure activities
  • Holiday funds
  • Housing
  • Personal assistance and specialist equipment

The team work closely with other charitable and statutory organisations across predominantly Birmingham and Solihull and are able to refer and signpost accordingly to ensure client needs are met. The team are also available to offer specialist one-to-one sessions and home visits upon request.
Benefits Guides
We have also produced some handy benefit guides that provide an overview of how to complete key forms including Attendance Allowance, Carers Assessments, Mandatory Reconsideration, PIP, and Direct Payments. They can be found by clicking hereContact:

Call 03030 402040 and select option 2 to get through to our information, advice and guidance helpline. For further information on our information, advice and advocacy services, please contact Maria Clayton, on 03030 402040 (option1) or email

  • Personal and Life Skills Development
  • We deliver a variety of services which equip disabled people with the necessary skills and knowledge that will ensure they are empowered to manage health conditions and live life to its full potential.
  • Digital Inclusion
  • We provide support to disabled people who have little or no IT-literacy to get online and begin to access services and information for themselves. Support is tailored to the needs of the indivual and can be delivered over the telephone or via video link.
  • We also can provide more advanced training to support disabled people to improve their online skills, including mastering social media, creating a CV, giving successful presentations, using Microsoft Office and Google Documents including Online Calendars and sending effective emails.
  • For more information, please contact us on 0303 040 2040 or email us at

We provide a range of Health and Well-being courses and activities which help people to manage their long term health conditions and minimise future deterioration and dependence on health services. Our team provide practical advice and support on topics such as common health conditions, healthy eating, fitness and exercise, understanding treatment and medication, avoiding health risks and planning a healthier lifestyle.

Fit For Life

Our Fit for Life programme has been developed with the goal of tackling health inequalities. Targeted towards disabled people, frail older adults and those with long term health conditions, Fit for Life provides sessions and workshops on a number of topics including:

  • Healthy eating
  • Condition management
  • Managing pain and fatigue
  • Reducing and managing stress
  • Stopping smoking
  • Accessing health and social care services

The course also features exercise taster sessions and weight management clubs as part of its itinerary. The course enables people to live healthier lifestyles by encouraging better physical and emotional health, whilst also tackling high levels of social isolation amongst vulnerable adults. Courses are delivered in Birmingham, Solihull and Wolverhampton.

  • Social and Leisure Activities
  • Our social and leisure activities aim to bring people together in a friendly and encouraging environment. All of our leisure activities are provided by qualified and experienced staff with the assistance of dedicated volunteers. We provide individuals with the chance to develop interests, both new and established, while providing the opportunity to socialise. Our current opportunities are detailed below.
  • Arts and Crafts Group
  • This group provides a supportive learning environment for disabled adults to develop basic arts and crafts’ skills. Participants are encouraged to express creativity and explore their passions through the medium of art.
  • Our Arts & Crafts’ Group meets every Wednesday between 10.00am and 2.00pm at our Information, Health and Wellbeing Centre in Kitts Green.
  • Breakfast Club
  • Our Breakfast Club is run by friendly volunteers and provides an opportunity for disabled people aged 18 and over to socialise, learn more about DRC’s services, and enjoy a cup of tea, biscuits and toast in a warm space!
  • Our Breakfast Club takes place every Monday between 9:30am and 11:30am at our Information, Health and Wellbeing Centre in Kitts Green.
  • Contact:
  • For further details on our Breakfast Club, please contact Maria on 03030 402040 or email
  • For further details on our arts and crafts group, please contact Robbert Chattin on 03030 402040 or email

We have a dedicated and inspirational team who specialise in supporting disabled people and those with long term health conditions into employment, training and volunteering opportunities. Many of the team began as clients and volunteers within DRC and have faced similar barriers to those we address with our clients. Our services include:

  • Innovative Opportunities for Life courses, which tackle the barriers faced by disabled people when accessing employment and training opportunities.
  • Accessible Opportunities Hubs and IT training, which actively encourage peer-to-peer support in group based sessions.
  • Coverage across Birmingham and Solihull, and the wider West Midlands.
  • We encourage clients to take part in volunteering and work placement opportunities as part of our service offer and we continue to actively support them during the placement.

Positive Pathways

Positive Pathways forms the core part of many of the funded programmes we are currently running. The courses include modules on: condition management, benefits’ advice, social inclusion, disability awareness, and accessibility issues, alongside one-to-one information, advice and guidance. A variety of bespoke techniques are used, making this a truly holistic, person-centred programme, empowering participants to gain and sustain employment.

For further information on any of the above programmes, contact Tracey on 03030 402040 or by emailing

  • Community Development Work in Yardley.
  • Yardley Neighbourhood Network Scheme (NNS)
  • The Neighbourhood Network Scheme(NNS) is a city-wide initiative funded by Birmingham City Council to promote health and wellbeing. The purpose of the scheme is to ensure that as many citizens as possible know what activities and groups are available in their local neighborhood and can access them
  • Disability Resource Centre is the lead facilitator in the Yardley Constituency and is working in partnership with Age UK Birmingham to oversee and coordinate the project. Both partners have a Community Development Worker based in the constituency who have been mapping the activities and services (Community Assets); identifying any gaps and supporting new or existing groups in developing activities or services that will help fill those gaps. As long as your purposes are charitable and non profitable, small grants are available to help local groups and activities.
  • The Community Development Workers also work closely with the Yardley Social Work teams to help link their clients up with relevant activities and services. /p>
  • If you would like to find out more about the Yardley Neighbourhood Network Scheme, including accessing support as a Yardley citizen, contact the team on
  • You can also follow us on social media here:
  • Twitter: @NNS_Yardley
    Facebook: /YardleyNNS

We offer the following support for local businesses, click on the headings to find our more:

Where we do it

Disability Resource Centre
Information, Health and Wellbeing Centre
Unit 18, Ace Business Park
Mackadown Lane
Kitts Green
B33 0LD.

Opening hours

DRC’s Information, Health & Wellbeing Centre opening hours are:

Monday – Thursday – 8.45am-5.00pm

How to access

03030 402040 



For further information on our information, advice and advocacy services, please contact Maria Clayton, on 03030 402040 (option1) or email


Breakfast Club

Arts & Crafts Club

  • For further details on our arts and crafts group, please contact Robbert Chattin on 03030 402040 or email

Positive Pathways

For further information on any of the above programmes, contact Tracey on 03030 402040 or by emailing

Yardley Grant Scheme

  • Yardley Neighbourhood Network Scheme, including accessing support as a Yardley citizen, contact the team on