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Organisation: Solihull Public Health Department

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Solihull Public Health Department

Public Health’s role is to support the Public to protect against ill health, prevent ill health, and improve health through health promotion.

Our Public Health Priorities are;
Children & Young People / Best Start in Life
Behaviour Change / Ill Health Prevention
Stronger Communities
Wider Determinates / Environment
Mental Health and Wellbeing
Ageing Well

In order to deliver Public Health vision, values and priorities we work with a range of stakeholders and partners as part of our Public Health workforce.
In order to deliver on priorities we commission a range of services, Children’s Public Health Services, Stop Smoking Services, Weight Management, Drug & Alcohol, Sexual Health, Ageing Well, Primary Prevention, Community Initiatives. The full breath of our commissioning portfolio can be found within our commissioning intentions document

(Things that you may not know we commission….You+ lifestyle shop in Chelmsley Wood Centre, evolutionally on opening, Cancer Survivorship programmes by Penny Brohn to support people with lifestyle after Cancer.)

Pathways Covered

Mental and physical health


Public Health’s role is to support the Public to protect against ill health, prevent ill health, and improve health through health promotion.

What we do

Public Health’s role is to support the Public to protect against ill health, prevent ill health, and improve health through health promotion.

Our Public Health Priorities are;
Children & Young People / Best Start in Life
Behaviour Change / Ill Health Prevention
Stronger Communities
Wider Determinates / Enviornment
Mental Health and Wellbeing
Ageing Well

In order to deliver Public Health vision, values and priorities we work with a range of stakeholders and partners as part of our Public Health workforce.
In order to deliver on priorities we commission a range of services, Children’s Public Health Services, Stop Smoking Services, Weight Management, Drug & Alcohol, Sexual Health, Ageing Well, Primary Prevention, Community Initiatives. The full breath of our commissioning portfolio can be found within our commissioning intentions document

(Things that you may not know we commission - You+ lifestyle shop in Chelmsley Wood Centre, evolutionally on opening, Cancer Survivorship programmes by Penny Brohn to support people with lifestyle after Cancer.)